Historical-regional museum «Spadchyna»

Historical-regional museum «Spadchyna»

Mozeykovo school

Аdress:              Lida district, Mozheykovo, 20 Molodezhnaya street.

Time of work:   9.00 – 16.00, days off - sunday, monday.

Telephone:        8-0154 -62-11-93


web site:      


Section «From ancestors through the centuries...» is devoted to the history, culture and daily life of Belarussian people. Genuine peasant goods of XIX-XX centuries are presented as major exhibits of the museum. Section «The estate of Mozheykovo»  tells the history of the village and estate of Brahotskie in Mozheykovo village. Section «Talents of the homeland» devoted to the talented people who lived and live on the territory of Mozheykovo. These are both M.A. Ryshkevich – local handyman and a band of traditional instruments «Kahanochka» which is still entertaining us with its performances.